• Haveli Jamiat Singh Bagga, Wazirabad

    It was constructed in 1869 and was decorated with marvelous woodwork. It has 24 doors & 80 windows. Still in awsome shape even after 150 years, standing tall & telling the rich past of the city,

    In Eminabad, before the partition of Hindustan, a large community of Hindus and Sikhs used to live alongside Muslims. One can still find remains of many beautiful architectures of that era present in the forms of Havelis, Gardens, Gateways, Temples, and Gurdwaras. �

    In the middle of this town, a pre-partition Haveli still stands, its construction attributed to some Sikh family before 1947. One still can see the splendor of craftmanship in this architecture, multifoil arched gateways, cut bricks arranged in lancet arches pattern around the windows, and Wooden doors with different floral arrangments. Nanak Shahi bricks are used in this building construction.�